
Current MIT Students

The MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research frequently employs Master’s and Ph.D. students enrolled at MIT as research assistants. Because most research at CEEPR is conducted by MIT faculty and research affiliates, their expression of interest in hiring research support will generally precede the recruitment process. If you are interested in serving as a research assistant to your thesis advisor or a faculty member working on energy or environmental policy research, please approach them so they can communicate their interest to us.

CEEPR also regularly participates in MIT’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) for undergraduate students enrolled at MIT. Open positions will be announced on this page as well as in MIT’s UROP project opening list.

CEEPR also supports student research projects in energy and environmental economics and policy. Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at MIT looking to carry out research in these areas as part of their studies are encouraged to contact CEEPR to discuss cooperation opportunities.

CEEPR is a non-degree conferring research center within MIT, and does not engage in teaching or academic degree programs. Degree programs are organized by 30 departments across five schools and one college, and students must be admitted to a department before they are eligible to participate in CEEPR research activities. For information about admissions, please consult MIT’s general admissions websites below:

For Undergraduate Students

For Graduate Students

If you are an incoming MIT student looking for information on MIT opportunities in the energy space, please see the MIT Energy Initiative’s Education page here.


CEEPR regularly hosts Visiting Scholars from external research institutions, affording them access to MIT’s unparalleled research services, resources, and facilities. Participation in the Visiting Scholar program is by invitation only, and usually restricted to senior academics and researchers with funding to cover the costs of their visit. In most cases, a formal invitation will be preceded by cooperation with MIT faculty or research staff, for instance through a joint project or publication. If you have questions about the Visiting Scholar program, please contact CEEPR.

Staff Openings

We currently do not have open positions. If searches are active, links to the postings will be listed below.